Thursday, May 17, 2012

The 100th Post! [Ultimate City Post 8]

Oh wow, here we are! 100th post! I wanted to try and make it a really special post, however I couldn't think of anything majorly special to do. At least, nothing that my current skills would enable me to do. As you've probably come to realize, I am more function-oriented than design-oriented. Although if you scroll down to the bottom of this post you will notice a couple cool things! But wait, read my progress first!

The Denizian pumpkin and melon farm is completed. All I can say is... wow, this is a monster. I can assure you there will never be a shortage of melon slices.

I've switched to an HD texture pack in these pictures.

The button to harvest:

And the return:
What really impresses me about this farm is how there are almost always melon slices to collect! Those melon blocks grow pretty fast.

I've also completed what seems to have been my bane for this project: the wheat farm. The automated farm part was an obstacle that prevented me from doing very much. Due to a WorldEdit mishap it's a little glitchy but I'll work on fixing that during round 2 of the city.


What it looks like indoors (I like the half slabs to the harvesting spot):

If you wish to use the traditional farm, this is where you would go:

There's no wheat currently but if you wanted to harvest, here's the water release, and also the step to replant.

The automatic harvester:

Upper shot. I purposely left that gap at the top of the wooden walls for aesthetic purposes.

Rather cramped entrance to the maintenance room.

Some of the wiring. I believe the word to not describe this would be "clean." Indeed, it's kind of a mess. I rushed a bit with the wheat farm. I had been procrastinating on it for several days and just wanted to move on with it.

And finally the basement, which is accessed by that ladder from several pictures back. First we have the lower section of the automatic wheat farm.

This second piece is something much simpler and I actually understand how it works. It's just a line of wire that leads to the block that pushes up for replanting the seeds. (Incidentally, this will also activate if you step on the rightmost pressure plate although it's not very useful.)

And that's that! Now, time for the interesting stuff.

First, Youssarian's Minecraft Adventures now has a Facebook page! Please come "Like" it if you have a Facebook account!

Second, I'm uploading the maps to Mediafire! They're in .zip format. I don't know if that will make it difficult for Macintosh and Linux users to open them. If need really be I could possibly switch to .rar.

Main 1.0.0: This is my main survival world, where I do things (mostly) legitly. Link:

Ultimate City: This is in Creative mode. Link: