Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New Earth Map!!

I've often mentioned the Earth map and how they made an updated version of it. Today after work I went to the library and spent 50 minutes downloading the zipped file, which was some 455 megabytes big. I came home, put it on my computer, and ran it.

The trees were just as unnatural looking as the first time, but then again they were generated by the script used by the creators. I did some tree chopping and, after teleporting to my home city's spot on the map, planted a birch and pine sapling each. I hacked those in since they don't exist anywhere else on the map. Perhaps I shall populate the map with them.

What really got my attention was when I went underground to find the caves. They were just... dazzling. I won't give too much away hopefully. They aren't like the normal caves found in Minecraft. Instead they are broader, taller, and more cylindrical. Simply huge. I felt awestruck when I went into it.

Now I wonder what I'm going to do. I have the main normal Minecraft world, but now I have this behemoth of a map. Maybe I'll make little villages and cities on it. It's just dang cool.