Sunday, February 5, 2012

I <3 Stone Brick [Ravine Project Part 3]

I have finished making the rooms for the ravine! There are 21 in total, including an underground lake that appeared right next to it. It took a lot of self-discipline to keep myself from skipping past the room-making stage. At first they were basically the same but when I reached areas that had bends in them I started getting more variety in their shapes. Also for a large percentage of them, they share the same layer of rock as walls. That's going to cause some issues when I try to design each room uniquely.

Most of the lower level's outer walls converted to stone brick, which for its basic appearance looks very nice to me.

Here's the inside of the office. It's not completed yet. It has the dark log rim around its door.

At one point, Enderbro decided one of the rooms needed more decoration. I made sure not to look at him though; he might think I'm insulting him. Yeah, because a difference of one dirt block makes it amazing.

 I cleared the area around the freakish tree that I bonmeal'd into existence. I think I'm going to prune some trees from my tree farm and help it out a bit.

The ravine as a whole now looks a whole heck of a lot better than when I first found it.

And ladies and gentlemen, we're not even close to being done with it. When I finish bricking the walls, I want to add signs outside each door with a room number and description of what is in it. Then I want to use either glowstone or jack-o-lanterns as lighting. Then comes the fun of designing each room to look unlike the others. Along the floor of the corridor I would like to add a strip of some material, and perhaps also a long the wall. It would break up the rather monotone appearance of the place.

The stone lip that constitutes the second level is going to be extended outward two blocks, and a fence added to prevent falling.

Here's a pic of the room that does all the crafting and cooking of materials:

Before I get back to work, I have a couple things I'd like to make known. I have added a poll to the upper right part of the blog. I'm considering making a Twitter account for this site so that you can keep in touch with me and get more live updates of what I'm doing. Second, I'm already planning what I might do for my next big project. It's pretty cool that ever since I began with the ravine, it's been something I could stick to. Normally I would impulsively hop from idea to idea, without it ever coming to fruition (like way back in the early days of this blog, I could not stick to one thing). This project has been taking a long time for me but it's pretty fun to do it and blog about it.

Now, onto this new idea I have. There's a server out there called the University of Autumn. I've mentioned it in the past. They are currently reconstructing themselves but their premise is to teach people how to play Minecraft. I support it as I'm an avid proponent of education. Having gone through the college experience, I've developed an alternate system of classes and also introduced majors. So I've thought, "Why not build the university anyway?" And that's what I'm considering. The University of Minecraft, Youssarian style. Several buildings on a large campus. This would be quite different from the ravine project, or any other. I would do it in Creative mode, fully utilizing WorldEdit. Ever wondered what I do in Creative mode? I'll leave you with this pic.